Click on images for enlargements

NOTE: All Worlds Columbian Exposition so called dollars are now located in their own SEPARATE SECTION

U.S. Centennial Exposition 1876


1) This is the same piece that is pictured in the 2nd edition of HK as HK43, but in the first edition HK43 is described as having a different reverse - that of HK24. Thus, unlisted in the first edition. Baker-394B, SH 2-13. Rare to Very Rare in Copper/Bronze, Rare to Very Rare in White Metal, Rare to Very Rare in Gilt(sometimes described as brass). Extremely Rare in silver, and Extremely Rare in copper nickel (as described in Presidential Coin And Antique auction #58, lot#193). Almost never found holed. Copper/Bronze, 37.6mm.



Medal of George Washington 1776 1876 Philadelphia Worlds Fair Baker 394b

2) Variety of Baker391G but WITH "Demarest S.C." in small letters around bottom. Unlisted and unmentioned in both Baker(Rulau-Fuld 1999) and HK. NASCA sale (4/28/81 lot#4044) sold one in silver. Very Rare in white metal(I do not know which variety is rarer, with "Demarest S.C.", or without). Extremely Rare in silver and copper/bronze. For a comparison of all three Declaration of Independence reverse dies, CLICK HERE(also look at #3, 5, and 5a). SH 2-48. White metal 42.4mm.

John Hancock signing of Declaration of Independence medal Baker391G

3) Baker391G. Like the piece above but WITHOUT "Demarest S.C." around bottom as mentioned in Baker(Rulau-Fuld 1999). Baker's description of Baker390 being the same as HK74 is in error. SH 2-49. To help clear up the confusion between all three Declaration of Independence scene reverses, CLICK HERE(also look at #2, 5, and 5a). White metal 42.4mm. Image Courtesy of Stacks Bowers Galleries


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John Hancock signing of Declaration of Independence medal Baker391G

4) John Hancock reverse. Baker391D. Rulau/Fuld lists this piece in silver, copper/bronze, brass(gilt?), and white metal. A Strong Rare in white metal. Very Rare in copper/bronze. Extremely Rare in silver and brass. SH 2-54. White metal, 41.6mm.

100th Anniversary Declaration of Independence Hancock medal Baker391D

5) HK75, HK75a, HK76, HK77. Prior to the publication of the second edition of HK in 2008, HK75-77 and HK78-79b may have been confused with each other in older sales catalogs due to the somewhat inadequate description and lack of pictures in the first edition of HK. To help clear up the confusion between all three Declaration of Independence scene reverses, CLICK HERE(also look at #2, 3, and 5a). This piece is a Strong Rare in white metal(shown here), and rarer than HK74. Very Rare in Copper/Bronze. Extremely Rare in silver. Baker388, SH 2-47, White Metal, 42.4mm.



100th Anniversary Declaration of Independence Trumbull painting medal

5a) Listed in the second edition of HK, but was not pictured in the first edition. CLICK HERE for comparisons of the different reverses(also look at #2, 3, and 5). SH 2-51. This piece is a strong Rare in white metal, and rarer than HK74. Very Rare in Copper/Bronze. Extremely Rare in silver or gilt. (HK78, HK79, HK79A, HK79B). Shown here is HK79A, Silver, 42.4mm

XXX Medal

5b) Baker390. For quite some time I was not sure this piece existed. In November 2019 one showed up at auction at Stacks (lot#20577) in white metal. It is a combination of the reverse of HK75 and the reverse of HK74. Extremely rare and not seen in any other metals. SH 2-55, 42.3mm. Image Courtesy of Stacks Bowers Galleries

XXX Medal

6) There are five medals with this "See How We Prosper" common reverse. Shown here is the French version. Other versions are the English, German, and Catholic versions, and also a Washington version(see below). It appears to me that the French, English, and German versions are Very Scarce to Rare in white metal, with the Catholic and Washington versions being Rare in white metal. All are Rare to Very Rare in bronze, with perhaps the Catholic version being the rarest in bronze. All are Extremely Rare in silver. Designed by German American engraver Rudolf Laubenheimer. SH 2-90, White metal, 44.7mm.



French See How We Prosper 1876 Philadelphia Exposition medal

7) English version of "See How We Prosper". Read description of #6 above. SH 2-88, White metal, 44.7mm.

English See How We Prosper 1876 Philadelphia Exposition medal

7a) German version of "See How We Prosper". Read description of #6 above. SH 2-89, Bronze, 44.7mm.

German See How We Prosper 1876 Philadelphia Exposition medal

7b) Catholic version of "See How We Prosper". Read description of #6 above. SH 2-87, Bronze, 44.7mm.

Catholic See How We Prosper 1876 Philadelphia Exposition medal

7c) George Washington version of "See How We Prosper". Read description of #6 above. Baker 428A, SH 2-86, Bronze, 44.7mm. Image Courtesy of Stacks Bowers Galleries

George Washington See How We Prosper 1876 Philadelphia Exposition medal

8)This piece has the same obverse as Baker410, but with a blank reverse. Unlike Baker410, this piece appears to always comes un-looped. Also, whereas Baker410 is found in silver and white metal, I have only found this piece in brass. Very Rare, Brass, 39.7mm.



Baker 410A Washington California Obverse Philadelphia Expo 1876 medal

9) Shown here and below are the eight small portrait second obverse battle dollars. Years ago when I did my so called dollars tally, I found the bronze first obverse varieties to be about twice as rare as white metal, but my experience since suggests that the first obverse in bronze is quite a bit more rare than the first obverse in white metal. I am not entirely sure why there was such a discrepancy. Rulau/Fuld is in error suggesting that the second obverse variety has the same value, and I guess rarity, as the first obverse variety in all three metals - silver, white metal, and bronze. It appears to me that the second obverse variety is at least somewhat rarer than the first obverse variety in both bronze and silver. However, the first obverse variety in white metal is definitely the most common of all, but until a few years ago, most everyone thought non existent in second obverse white metal. But in the Stacks/Baker auction in November 2019, a full set of second obverse white metal examples was sold. It was quite possibly unique. Lastly, Musante states that there were only 10 of each of the bronze second obverse struck, and only one of each in silver. He gives the first obverse a rarity rating of Scarce in white metal, which is probably reasonably accurate, but his designating the first obverse in bronze and silver as Very Scarce and Rare respectively may be understating their rarity in my view. The piece shown here has the same reverse as HK91, "Battle Of Moores Creek Bridge". SH 2-65, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.

Battle Of Moores Creek Bridge George Washington Medal July 4th 1876

10) Battle of Sullivan's Island. Same reverse as HK93, but with the second obverse. Specific gravity testing revealed the silver content of this piece to be somewhere in the range of coin silver or sterling silver. This is a bit odd because I also have an HK111 in silver that tests out with a specific gravity of 10.5 which would indicate .99 silver. Musante states that only one of each of the second obverse was struck in silver. So is the one shown here unique? At this point I am not sure. It is not in the best condition. Baker 448, SH 2-66, Extremely Rare, Silver, 34mm.



Battle of Sullivans Island George Washington Medal July 4th 1876

11) HK 97 with the second obverse. Read #9 above for more info on all varieties. "Battle Of Long Island". Baker 448A/B, SH 2-67, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.

Battle of Long Island George Washington Medal July 4th 1876 Centennial

12) HK 100 with the second obverse. "Battle Of Harlem Plains". Baker 448A/B. Read #9 above for more info. Baker 448A/B, SH 2-68, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.

Battle of Harlem Plains George Washington Medal July 4th 1876 Centennial

13) HK 103 with the unlisted second obverse. Baker 448A/B. "Battle Of Lake Champlain". Read #9 above for more info. Baker 448A/B, SH 2-69, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.



Battle of Lake Champlain George Washington Medal July 4th 1876

14) HK 106 with the unlisted second obverse. "Battle Of White Plains". Read #9 above for more info. Baker 448A/B, SH 2-70, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.

Battle of White Plains George Washington Medal July 4th 1876 Centennial

15) HK 109 with the second obverse. "Battle Of Fort Washington". Read #9 above for more info. Baker 448A/B, SH 2-71, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.


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Battle of Fort Washington George Washington Medal July 4th 1876

16) HK112 with the second obverse. "Battle Of Trenton". Read #9 above for more info. Baker 448A/B, SH 2-72, Strong Very Rare, Copper/bronze, 34mm.

Battle of Trenton George Washington Medal July 4th 1876 Centennial

17) "In Commemoration Of The 100th Anniversary Of American Independence. 1876", "Born, Feb. 22, 1732 Died, Dec. 14, 1799". In tiny lettering below bust: "U.S.M. Co.". Rare in white metal. Rulau lists it in silver, but I have never found one, so Extremely Rare in silver. I have also found it described as Gilt (Brass?) and it appears to be Very Rare as such. Baker406A, SH 2-76, White metal, 42mm.

George Washington 1876 Anniversary of American Independence Medal

18) From the 1876 Centennial Expo in Philadelphia. This piece can be found in silver, bronze, brass, and white metal, silver plate and lead. Very Rare in silver, silver plate, and lead. Rare in each of the other three metals, but Very Scarce combining all three together. Baker425B, SH 2-56, Rare, Brass, 39.7mm.

Anniversary of American Independence Union Forever Washington Medal

18a) Commemorating the visit of the National Guard of the State of New York(N.G.S.N.Y.) to the Centennial Expo in Philadelphia. According to Baker, comes in silver, bronze, and white metal. I am not sure of it’s rarity, but probably extremely rare in silver, lesser so in bronze and white metal. SH 2-82, 44.8mm Image Courtesy of Stacks Bowers Galleries

XXX Medal

18b) "Eternal Vigilance Is The Price Of Liberty". Commemorating 100 Years of a Free Republic, by Carl Stubenrauch, same as HK-5 and my #304. A strong Very Rare. Rulau/Baker A393. Bronze, 40 mm. Image courtesy Jonathan Brecher.

Washington Eternal Vigilance Thank Providence 1876 Peace & Prosperity Medal

World's Industrial And Cotton Centennial Exposition 1884


19) Unlisted in the first HK edition, HK143b in the second edition. I have not found it in any other metal. SH 4-8, Rare, but Very Rare unholed, White metal, measures exactly 33mm.



Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition New Orleans Medal 1884 1885

20) , One side as the reverse of HK143; the other side unlisted. "The. Worlds Exposition 1884 1885" Rv: "Reunion Of Mexican War Veteran At.N.O. 1846-7". SH 4-10, Very Rare, White metal, 32.9mm.

Cotton Centennial Expo New Orleans Medal 1884 Mexican War Veterans

21) Unlisted in the first HK edition, HK144a and HK144b in the second edition. SH 4-5, Rare in white metal. Extremely Rare in bronze. White metal, 37.6mm.

Liberty Bell Worlds Industrial Cotton Exposition New Orleans 1885 Medal

22) "Souvenir The Worlds Fair Industrial And Cotton Centennial Exposition Dec. 1st 1884 To May 31st 1885". SH 4-2, Rare in White Metal, Very rare in Brass, Found both holed and un-holed. White Metal, 43.5mm.

Worlds Fair Industrial Cotton Centennial 1884 1885 New Orleans Medal

23) "Union Confidence And Justice" around above eagle and shields. Center globe with scenes in quatrefoils showing the Art Building, Main Building, Horticultural Hall, and State Exhibits. A strong very rare. Have only seen in white metal. SH4-12 White metal, 45.1mm

Worlds Industrial And Cotton Centennial Exposition New Orleans 1884 Medal

Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893


California Midwinter Exposition 1894


60) This piece is from the December 2008 Bill Weber auction lot #10261. The obverse die is similar to HK245, but with the letters of "Eureka" spaced farther apart. It appears to be the same die as HK635, HK639, and HK729. Extremely Rare die variety. SH 7-2(wide Eureka) Brass, 34.1mm


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Wide Eureka 1894 California Midwinter Exposition Medal

61) "Seccion De Espana / California / 1894". Neither side can be found in either edition of HK. SH 7-12. Rare, and can usually be found in decent condition. Aluminum, 38.5mm. SH 7-12.

California Midwinter International Exposition Seccion De Espana Medal

Trans-Mississippi And International Exposition 1898


62)Same obverse as HK281 but with a different reverse. HK281a in the second edition, unlisted in the first edition. Quite hard to come by. SH 10-2, Extremely Rare, Silver, 34mm.



Trans-Mississippi Exposition Omaha 1898 Floral Parade Medal

Pan-American Exposition 1901


63) McKinley assassination medal. "Where Our President Was Assassinated / Temple Of Music", "It Is God's Way: His Will Be Done". SH 11-2, Rare, Aluminum, 37.7mm.


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William McKinley Temple Of Music Assassination Buffalo NY Medal

63a) A rebus buffalo souvenir token from the 1901 Pan American Exposition. "R U A Buffalo". The reverse reads "U (Can) Bet (Ewer) Donkey(Ass) I Am". This charging buffalo variety appears to be rarer than some of the others. Aluminum, 35.1mm

Are You A Buffalo. You Can Bet Your Ass I Am 1901 Souvenir Token

Louisiana Purchase Exposition 1904


64) There are 4 other varieties in this same style. The 1st edition of HK only lists one(HK322). The second edition lists 3 others, but fails to list a fourth that pairs the reverse of HK322(Machinery Building) with the obverse of HK322d(Palace Of Mines And Metallurgy). HK322d, Hendershott30-540, SH 13-23, Rare, Aluminum, 36.8mm.



Palace of Textiles and Palace of Mines and Metallurgy St Louis 1904 Medal

65) In the same style as HK322, by Lauer. Read above. This piece is listed in the second edition of HK as HK322c. All five "Palace dollars" in this same style appear to be rare to very rare, but this one appears to be rarer than some of the others. SH 13-22, Very Rare. Aluminum, 36.8mm.

Electric Building and Varied Industries Building St Louis 1904 Fair

66) The example shown here is silver with a specific gravity of approximately 10.3. Recently (October 2023) I was also able to test an example in silver plate. It had a specific gravity of approximately 8.9 and was only half as thick. The silver one shown here has a rounded edge and weighs 36.5 grams. The silver plate example weighed 23.1 grams. Hendershott describes this piece as having also been observed in bronze. Krueger describes it as silver plate only. Although quite rare in any composition, it appears to me that it is probably most commonly found in silver plate, probably R-7 or R-8. In silver or bronze, probably R-8 or R-9. "Holy Bros." in tiny lettering. SH 13-4, Krueger 225, Hendershott 30-260. Very Rare in silver plate. Extremely Rare in bronze or silver, 40.8mm.



Saint Louis 1904 Worlds Fair Louisiana Purchase Silver Medal

67) A interesting souvenir token from " The Pike" at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. "I Was Down The Pike". This one appears to have been stuck on a clipped planchet. Krueger280, SH 13-28, Very Rare, Aluminum, 38mm.



I Was Down The Pike 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Medal

68) This is the only one of these that I have found. The obverse was used with a "Nebraska Grain Dealers" hanging badge - click HERE and look at #35 for image - also found in Charles Kirtley sale #98 lot#1103, with photo. It was also used with a storecard die for "The New Home Sewing Machine Company of St Louis"(Stephen Alpert 3/26/80 lot#1158 with rubbing). It is also very similar in design to the 1903 "St. Louis Grain Dealer's" obverse die variety in Kurt Krueger's "Meet Me In St. Louie" #1269. SH 13-29, Aluminum, Extremely Rare, 38mm.

St. Louis Worlds Fair 1904 Uniface Krueger #1269 Medal

68a) Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Society Of Colonial Wars In The State Of Missouri and the 100th Anniversary Of The Louisiana Purchase. This piece does not make any reference to the 1904 worlds fair, but I decided to place it here due to it's close association with the fair. This piece has unusual thick wavy borders, but the edge is perfectly round. I have also seen it described as having a fob loop. Image courtesy Daniel Carr. Very Rare. Bronze. 39.5mm



100th Anniversary Louisiana Purchase 1904 Society Of Colonial Wars Medal

68b) This is an unusual die combination of a somewhat poor rendition of the Adolph Weinman award medal design from the 1904 Saint Louis Worlds Fair combined with the Augustus St. Gaudens award medal design from the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair. Both obverse and reverse dies are usually found combined with a Harper Whiskey advertising die that may have been struck years later after both fairs, possibly in the 1930s, but at this point I am not sure. Thus my inclusion of this piece here may not be entirely appropriate, but for the sake of completeness I have decided to include it. All of the Harper Whiskey advertising pieces that I have seen were holed. This is the only one of these that I have seen. If anyone has more info about this piece or the Harper Whiskey pieces, please let me know. Brass, 38.3 mm

Columbus Weinman Gaudens Universal Exposition Saint Louis 1904 Harper Whiskey medal

Lewis And Clark Centennial Exposition 1905


69) Smaller "Lewis" and "Clark" so called dollar from the "Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition". SH 14-11, Rare to Very Rare, Brass or Silver Plate, 33.1mm.


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Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition 1905 Portland Oregon Medal

69a) Depiction of a bronze statue by Hermon MacNeil titled "Coming Of The White Man" located in Washington Park, Portland Oregon. SH 14-13. Extremely Rare and often found looped. Bronze, 33mm. Image courtesy of Daniel West.

1905 Centennial Exposition City Park Portland Oregon Medal

Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition 1907


70) Listed as HK349b in the second edition, unlisted in the 1st edition. Obverse of HK349 except the central scene shows Pocahontas saving John Smith. Reverse the same as HK349. Very Rare and considerably rarer than HK349, and even harder to find in nice condition. SH 15-8, Brass, 36.2mm.

Jamestown Exposition 1907 Norfolk Pocahontas Saving John Smith Medal

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition 1909


71) The first edition of HK seems to pair the OBVERSE of HK353 with the building reverse, but the second edition has a photo that pairs the REVERSE of HK353. So, my piece here is evidently not listed in the 1st edition, but IS listed(shown) in the second edition. A bit confusing, and I suspect prior to the second edition of HK, sellers may have not distinguished between this piece and #72 below, referring to them all as HK364. As a result, I am not sure which piece is rarer. They may both be of equal rarity, and if so, each type is probably Rare. Look below for more info. Brass, 32.1 mm in diameter as is HK353. Diameters in the first and second editions of HK are in error. Possibly a US mint product produced at the fair. SH 16-3.



1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Chief Seattle Medal

72) This piece is evidently listed in the first edition of HK as HK364(but with no actual image of the obverse). It is not listed in the second edition. This piece and the one above both measure 32.1 mm, so technically both are too small for inclusion as so called dollars. But the original authors of HK included HK353, so I guess these also need to be let in(See what happens when you open the barn door, even a crack? In this case we let one in, and in walk two others. This is why I am pretty adamant about not allowing any piece in as a so called dollar that is below an absolute minimum of 32.6mm - rounded up equaling 33mm). A US mint product? Rare(read #71 above). Gilt, 32.1 mm in diameter as is HK353. SH 16-2

1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition U. S. Government Building Medal

73) Similar to HK367 but top of sun rays have a zig zag pattern. Other differences include no colon at the end of "Exposition". A set of three of these came up on ebay a number of years ago in brass, copper, and aluminum. Rare in brass(and considerably rarer than HK367), SH 16-15, Very Rare in aluminum. Extremely Rare in copper. Aluminum, 36mm.



1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition U. S. Government Building Medal

74) The 1st and 2nd editions of HK picture two different varieties of this piece using the same number(HK368). This is the 2nd edition variety. Differences include a semicolon after "Exposition", and dots before and after "Building". This variety might be the rarer. SH 16-20, Rare, brass, 34.4mm.

1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Manufactures Building Medal

75) HK366a. Excluding HK364(read above #71 and #72) and HK367 which are both of a smaller and larger size respectively, there are five different similar varieties of HK365 that I am aware of. Two are in the first edition of HK(HK365 and HK366), three are shown in the second edition of HK(HK365, HK366, and HK366a), two are shown on this page: this one - HK366a, and #76 shown below that is unlisted in either HK edition, and a fifth piece that I have not seen from Stephen Alpert auction #55 lot #413(March 2nd, 1998) described as "As HK 366 but 17 rays on obv., no Seattle 1909, plain rev. border. AU". At this time I am not certain of the relative rarities of these five pieces, although the fifth variety is probably Extremely Rare. Auctioneers in old catalogs sometimes distinguished between the varieties, but not always. HK366a has the following differences: 19 rays over the obverse central figure, 14 flags running across the top of the building, "US Government Building" in two lines instead of three, and an extra dot before "U.S.". HK366a in the 2nd edition, SH 16-19, Rare, Brass, 33.4mm.

1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Three Women Medal

76) Like #75 above, very similar to HK365, but with "U.S. Government Building" in two lines instead of three, eight rays above the central head instead of seven, 12 flags across the top of the building, and other differences. Neither side of this piece is shown in either edition of HK. SH 16-17, Possibly Very Rare, but read #75 above. Brass, 33.4mm.

1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Expo Worlds Fair U.S. Government Building Medal

77) Very similar in design to HK353, but larger and with many design differences. It appears to have been die struck, and has not had any loops removed. The underlying brass is showing through at the high spots. There is an unexplained depression on the obverse rim at 2:00 that may have occurred after minting. There is also an unusual extra line going around just inside the obverse denticles. The only other of these that I have seen is a bronze one on the website. This is an intriguing piece due to it being strikingly similar to HK353, and also because it is of proper so called dollar size where as HK353 is not. SH 16-4, Extremely Rare. Silver plated brass, 34.5mm.

1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Seward Seattle Seal Medal

78) AYPE Fob design but without the fob, and no fob was removed. Extremely Rare. Possibly unique. Not listed in HK. Click on link below for AYPE fob examples. Brass, 38.8mm. SH 16-23.



1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Washington State Building Medal

CLICK HERE For AYPE Fob Looped So Called Dollars

Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915


79) This was the only unlisted State Fund Dollar in the 1st edition of HK. HK410b in the 2nd edition. Rare, but Very Rare un-holed. Rarer in silver plate. The rarest state fund dollar is HK410, with this one perhaps being the second rarest. SH 18-16, "Robbins Co. Attleboro" in tiny lettering. Copper plated bronze, 38mm.

Panama Pacific International Exhibition Kentucky Fund Dollar Medal

80) "William-Howard-Taft", "Ground-Breaking For The Panama-Pacific International Exposition MCMXV", "M.P. Nielsen" in small lettering to the left of bust. SH 18-2, Very Rare. Bronze, 38mm.

Ground Breaking Panama Pacific International Expo Howard Taft Medal

80a) A souvenir token from the 1915 Panama Pacific Expo. No sign of any loop removal. "Patent Pending" around the bottom reverse in tiny lettering. The use of the word "Charm" on a larger souvenir token is somewhat unusual. The only other piece I know of is HK492. SH 18-28, Very to Extremely rare. Copper. 35mm.

Lucky Charm San Francisco Panama Pacific Worlds Fair 1915

80b) The Cawston Ostrich Farm had an exhibit at the Panama Pacific Exposition within the amusement "Zone" section at the fair. SH 19-13, Very rare. Copper, 37.5mm

Cawston Ostrich Farm Panama Pacific 1915 Bird Protection Medal

Panama-California Exposition 1915-1916


81) Made at the time of the 1915 Panama California Expo in San Diego. There is an article about this piece in "The Numismatist" Nov 1968 Page 1481. I have seen two others on ebay, and also at the Bill Weber auction, but surprisingly none in all of the old catalogs that I looked through. All are probably silver plated. "Cop'd By J.E.D.". The map side of this piece is similar in style to #329a, #329b and #399. SH 19-6, Very Rare. Silver plate, 39.7mm.



Panama California 1915 San Diego Mission Deep Harbor Medal

82) The obverse of this piece is similar to the reverse of HK432. Charles Kirtley sold a piece in his 8/12/86 sale(lot#1091) that had virtually the same obverse as HK432 combined with the obverse of this piece. It is SH 19-4 in Jeff Shevlin and Bill Hyders book of Exposition so called dollars. Surprisingly there is also a third extremely rare variety, SH 19-12. The three pieces that are shown in the book, SH 4, SH 5, and SH 12 are the only examples that I know of. "E.A. Caspary, L.A. Cal." in tiny lettering. SH 19-5, Extremely Rare. Copper, 38.6mm.

1915 Panama California Exposition Panama Canal Opening Medal

83) Like HK420 but with a California Pacific Expo reverse. Marked "Sterling" on the edge. The Bill Weber auction sold one of these that was described as being silver plate. This and that one are the only ones I have seen, although it is possible that this piece could have occasionally been mistaken for HK420. However this piece is not mentioned in ANY of the old catalogs that I looked through. I think it is highly unlikely that it would have been missed by everyone. SH 19-7. For now I am calling this piece Very Rare, but Extremely Rare in silver; Definitely considerably rarer than SH 18-10. Silver, 35.2mm.

1915 Panama California Exposition Lesseps Goethals Wilson Roosevelt Medal

U.S Sesquicentennial Exposition 1926


83a) Liberty Bell obverse with same reverse as HK-457. Considerably rarer than HK-457. It appears that the piece shown here is the exact same piece sold in Kurt Krueger sale #43 lot#2373 September 1983. SH 20-3. Extremely rare as far as I have been able to tell. Copper, 35mm. Image Courtesy of Heritage Auctions

1926 Sesqui Centennial International Exposition Liberty Bell Swastika Lucky Token Medal

Century Of Progress Exposition 1933-1934


84) This piece was unlisted in the 1st edition of HK, listed as HK464a in the second edition. From "A Century Of Progress". This piece is somewhat common, but maybe slightly rarer than it's HK counterpart. SH 21-19. Scarce, Gilt, 34.9mm.



Cheerio Century of Progress A & P Carnival 1933-1934 Cow Medal

85) Reverse as HK470 but with a different obverse. HK470 is fairly common. In my experience, this piece is considerably rarer. Like HK470, a tad undersized, but rounded off to the nearest whole number, it makes so called dollar status. Listed as HK470a in the 2nd edition of HK. SH 21-10. Very Rare in Brass. Extremely Rare in copper. 32.7mm.

Chicago Worlds Fair 1933 Take Me For Luck Token

86) "Chicago / World's 1933 Fair" "A Century Of Progress / Science / Invention / Knowledge / Industry". Looking through old catalogs the only one of these I found was one described as goldene sold by Presidential Coin & Antique in their sale #79 lot #853, and I can’t remember seeing another example on ebay. Not in either edition of HK. SH 12-8. Very Rare in either gold plate(golden?) or aluminum, possibly Extremely Rare. Aluminum, 35.1mm.



Worlds 1933 Fair Chicago Science Knowledge Invention Industry Medal

87) Listed as HK471a in the 2nd HK edition, but unlisted in the 1st edition. "A Century Of Progress Esposisione Mondiale", "Italia". In tiny lettering next to rim: "Johnson". A decent looking piece from the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. Not terribly hard to come by, but not all that common either. SH 12-6, Very Scarce, Copper, 34.6mm.

Century of Progress Italia 1933 Chicago Mondiale Medal

87a) Evidently made for the 1933 Chicago Worlds Fair(read Johnson & Jensen 1982 sales catalog #21 lot#1222). On the edge: "Crowe-Chicago", and at the lower edge of the bust of Roosevelt: "John Paulding sc". Just to be clear, although this medal is political/presidential in nature, it is not a campaign token/medal. The election occurred November 1932. The reverse of this piece commemorates the "New Deal" and is dated 1933, the same year as the worlds fair. Found in bronze and gilt bronze. Rare. Gilt bronze, 38.6mm.



Franklin Roosevelt 1933 Worlds Fair Courageous Leadership Medal

87b) This piece at 32.6mm in diameter, barely makes it for inclusion. Around the bottom in tiny lettering, "J D Polack Co". SH 21-23, Very Scarce. Copper. 32.6mm

Franklin Roosevelt A Century Of Progress 1934 Medal

87c) A thin cliche’-like shell depicting the Chrysler Building at the Fair. I have been told that it has been seen embedded in an ash tray from the Fair. SH 21-22, Copper. 36mm, 1mm thick.



Chrysler Building Century of Progress 1933 shell Medal

New York Worlds Fair 1939-1940


88) 50,000 of these were evidently minted by the Medallic Art Company of New York, and distributed at the 1939 New York Worlds Fair. The medal is totally political in nature and thus probably does not fit so called dollar criteria per se, but it's strong association with the fair suggests otherwise. Found in gilt, bronze and silver. Combining all metals together, Common. Individually, Scarce in gilt. Rare in bronze, and Very to Extremely Rare in silver. The silver pieces are marked "Sterling" on the edge. SH 24-4 Gilt, 38.2mm.

1939 New York Worlds Fair Czechoslovakia Freedom Medal


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