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October 2020 - I changed some of the numbering on this page.

Mining So Called Dollars


341f) This piece is like HK734, but showing the "Parrot Mine" instead of the "Anaconda Mine". Unlisted in the first edition of HK, HK734b in the second edition. Rare, and rarer than HK734. Rulau But 26. Copper, 37.9mm.



Parrot Mine Butte Montana 1896 Miners Tools Medal

342) There are two versions of this souvenir medal, one that is dated and one that is undated. Shown here is the undated version that is pictured in the second edition of HK as HK734a(the first edition of HK pictures the dated version - shown below). Both varieties together, Very Scarce. I do not know which variety is rarer. Copper, 38mm. Images courtesy of Daniel Carr - Moonlight Mint

Lower Works Of The Anaconda Montana Hotel Copper Medal

343) There are two versions of this souvenir medal, one that is dated and one that is undated. Shown here is the dated version that is pictured in the first edition of HK as HK734a(the second edition of HK pictures the undated version - shown above). Both varieties together, Very Scarce. I do not know which variety is rarer. Copper, 38mm. Click Here for two die varieties of the dated version. Images courtesy of Daniel Carr - Moonlight Mint.

Lower Works Of The Anaconda Montana Hotel Copper 1896 Medal

344) 1906 souvenir copper medal from a mining operation NE of Baker City, Oregon. "North American Mining Co. Shaft House / Sample Burkemont Copper May 1906. Souvenir". CLICK HERE for more info. Rare. Copper, 37.9mm.


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North American Mining 1906 Shaft House Burkemont Copper Souvenir Medal

344a) The New Monte Cristo mine was a devious scheme created by the con man C.C. Julian to bilk investors of their money. Silver, 41.8mm. Image Courtesy of Stacks Bowers Galleries

C. C. Julian 1927 New Monte Cristo Dancing Bear Medal

Corporate Anniversary So Called Dollars


345) 1892 Heeren Brothers 25th anniversary medal. Besides jewelry, this company also struck tokens and medals. An example of this medal can be found in Presidential Coin & Antique Co. Auction #57 lot#1595. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen. Very Rare, Bronze, 44.9mm

Heeren Brothers Jewelers Pittsburg 25th Anniversary 1892 Medal

346) From the 50th anniversary of the "Chicago Evening Journal", "Birth Place Of The Journal / The Saloon Bld Apr. 22. 1844.", In tiny lettering: "A. Hylen Chica". Found in silver, aluminum and evidently in white metal, but I have never found one described as white metal. Rare in aluminum. Very Rare in silver. Rulau Chi 27. Aluminum, 38.4mm.

Chicago Evening Journal Newspaper Souvenir 1844-1894 Medal

346a) 1898 25th anniversary of the Detroit Evening News. Look at Presidential sale #56 lot#1640 for an example. Very Rare. Bronze, 41.5mm

25th Anniversary Evening News Detroit Established 1873 Medal

347) From the 25th anniversary of "William F. Gable & Co." in Altoona, Pa. Rare in either silver or bronze, possibly somewhat rarer in bronze. I also found one described as gilt bronze(Charles Kirtley #90 lot#E004). Silver, 34mm.

William F. Gable & Co. 25th Anniversary 1909 Altoona Pa. Medal

347a) Commemorating 1909 fortieth anniversary of Ayer & Son of Philadelphia. Very Rare, Bronze, 38mm. Image courtesy of Randy Dobler.

Fortieth Anniversary of Advertising Firm of N. W. Ayer & Son 1909 Medal

347b) Evidently from the 31st anniversary of the "Philadelphia German Gazette". Rare. Silver plated bronze, 38.8mm.


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Philadelphia German Gazette 1879-1910 Americas German Paper Medal

347c) "16th Annual Excursion Merchants & Manufacturers Assn 1916". From the collection of Bill Walter. Rare. Gilt Brass. Barely makes so called dollar status at 32.6mm

Merchants Manufacturers Association 1916 16th Annual Excursion Milwaukie Banks medal

347d) 28th Anniversary and New Building Celebration of the Western & Southern Life Insurance Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. At bottom in tiny lettering "Wright-Cinti. O.". Rare, Aluminum, 35.3mm.

Western Southern Life Insurance Company Cincinnati 28th Anniversary medal

347e) I have usually found this piece described as silver, but have also found it described as white metal and nickel plated brass. This one is numbered 327. One pictured in an old TAMS article was numbered 1263. At this point I do not know for sure what the numbers signify, and the different composition descriptions are also a mystery. Very Rare in any metal. Silver, 37mm. Image courtesy of Randy Dobler.

Rochester Times Union 1826 1922 Opening New Home First Paper Token

347f) New bank building dedication of the Second National Bank, Warren, Ohio, March 1914. Very rare, Copper, 35mm. Image courtesy Randy Dobler


347g) Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Gimbel Stores in 1912. Rare to Very Rare, Aluminum, 33mm. Image courtesy Josef Traktovenko

Adam Gimbel Stores Silver Jubilee 1912 Milwaukee Medal

348) From the fortieth anniversary of the The Fairmont Creamery Co. 1924. Rare, bordering on Very Rare. Bronze, 35mm

The Fairmont Creamery Forty Years Of Service 1924 Nebraska Medal

348a) 60th Anniversary of First National Bank York, PA. 1864-1924. Rare. Gilt. Just barely makes so called dollar status at 32.7mm.

First National Bank York, PA. 1864-1924 60th Anniversary

349) Medal from the 50th anniversary of the John Larkin Company that was headquartered in Buffalo, New York. Scarce. Fairly common. Bronze, 38.3mm.

John Larkin Fiftieth Anniversary 1875-1925 Medal

349a) Commemorating the 1929 opening of the new home of the York County National Bank. Very Rare, Aluminum, 38.6mm

York County National Bank 1929 New Home Medal

350) A good luck souvenir piece of the 50th anniversary of Friedrich Refrigerators. Very Scarce. Gilt, 33.2mm.


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Friedrich Refrigerators Fiftieth Anniversary San Antonio 1933 Medal

350a) Souvenir from the 1937 25th anniversary of Paramount Pictures featuring Adolph Zukor. Very rare, Aluminum 34mm. Image courtesy Josef Traktovenko.


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350b) From 1938, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of ALCOA showing their first Potroom at Smallman Street, Pittsburgh. A strong Very Rare, Aluminum, 35mm. Image courtesy Randy Dobler.


350c) Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Wrought Iron Range Company 1939 St. Louis. "H. H. Culver Founder" Image courtesy of Dave Jensen. Very Rare. Gilt Brass, 33.2mm

Seventy Fifth Anniversary Wrought Iron Range Company 1939  St. Louis Medal

351) Souvenir piece from "Paramount Pictures". This has the same reverse as HK740. Undated. "So-Called Dollars From The Pacific Coast Expositions" by Jeff Shevlin and Bill Hyder reveals that the obverse view of this piece depicts the 1935 California Pacific International Exposition. This expo is not included in HK. Probably rarer than HK740. Rare. Nickel, 38.5mm. Shevlin/Hyder SH 22-2.

Paramount Pictures Inc. Souvenir Medal

352) 50th anniversary of Sunset Magazine. I have rarely found this piece. Very Rare. Brass, 35.4mm.

Sunset The Magazine Of Western Living 50 Years 1948 Medal

353) 15th anniversary of "Electrolux". "15 Years Of Production Open House May 22, 1948 Old Greenwich Conn.". Everything is incused. Very Rare. Aluminum, 38.6mm.

Electrolux 15 Years Of Production Open House 1948 Old Greenwich Token

354) "Watts Silver Anniversary Year April 1, 1949 March 31, 1950". In tiny lettering next to rim: "W. & H. Co.". Found in both bronze and silver. Very rare in Bronze and sometimes holed. Extremely Rare in silver. Bronze, 34.9mm.


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Watts Silver Anniversary Year April 1, 1949 March 31, 1950 Medal

355) "Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company" Chicago. Very Rare. Gilt copper, 38.2mm.

Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company 100 Year Anniversary 1950 Medal

356) 1925-1950 DeKalb Silver Anniversary, 25 Years Of Successful Corn Breeding. Obverse the same as reverse. Rare. Silver plate, 35.8mm. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen.

DeKalb Silver Anniversary, 25 Years Successful Corn Breeding 1925 Medal

357) Commemorating the 1925-1950 Silver Anniversary of the Knapp Monarch Company. From the collection of Dave Jensen. Rare bordering on Very Rare. Nickel, 38.4mm

Knapp Monarch Silver Anniversary 1925-1950 Medal

358) "IGA Silver Anniversary / Worlds Fair Of Foods / IGA Silver Jubilee / Waldorf Astoria Hotel / New York / 1951". In tiny lettering: "Whitehead-Hoag". Difficult to come by as far as I can tell. Very Rare bordering on Extremely Rare. Nickel(German silver?) Specific Gravity approx. 8.6, 38.2mm.


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IGA Silver Anniversary Worlds Fair Of Foods Waldorf Astoria 1951 Medal

359) Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Storz Brewing Co, Omaha, Nebraska 1876 1951. Rare. Copper Nickel, 38.4mm. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen.

75th Anniversary Storz Brewing Co, Omaha, Nebraska 1876-1951 Medal

360) Originally chartered in 1851, the Illinois Central Railroad was the main line running from Chicago to New Orleans. On it ran the "City of New Orleans", made famous by the Steve Goodman song of the same name sung by Arlo Guthrie and Willie Nelson. This piece also comes in a larger size. Very Scarce in brass. I found one looped example in silver that was marked "Sterling"(Dick Grinolds Sale Ex-102 lot#254). Brass, 35mm.

Illinois Central Railroad For 100 Years 1851-1951 Medal

361) 60th anniversary of the US National Bank. The reverse commemorates a traveling museum which toured throughout the State of Oregon. It included historical items depicting Oregon's early history, including items from the National Archives. On display were two gold beaver coins with original dies. Very Scarce. Aluminum, 34.9mm

60th Anniversary US National Bank Oregon Historical Caravan 1951 Token

361a) Uniface souvenir medal from the First Annual Long Beach Exposition held by Douglas Aircraft. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen. Very Rare. Thin Frosted Aluminum. 39.2mm

Douglas Aircraft 1951 Long Beach First Annual Exposition Medal

361b) Clover Farm Stores Cleveland Ohio Silver Anniversary. Rare. Nickel. 38.2mm

Clover Farm Stores Silver Jubilee 1951 Anniversary Cleveland Medal

361c) Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the High Point North Carolina Perpetual Savings and Loan in 1951. Obverse portrait of Ben Franklin with a saying of his, perhaps paraphrased, "To Be Wealthy Save As Well As Get". Very rare, Gilt, 33mm. Image courtesy Randy Dobler.

High Point North Carolina Perpetual Savings Loan 50th Anniversary 1951 Medal

362) 100 Year Anniversary of the Elston Bank & Trust Company Crawfordsville, Indiana. Was swallowed up by another bank in the 1990s. Rare. Bronze, 38.4mm.


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Anniversary Elston Bank & Trust Company Crawfordsville Indiana Medal

362a) 1953 Pabst Brewing Company Los Angeles. This may commemorate the 60th anniversary of the origin of the "Pabst Blue Ribbon" label at the Worlds Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893. Very Rare. Silver Plated brass, 38mm. Image courtesy Bill Walter

Pabst Brewing Company Los Angeles 1953 Blue Ribbon Beer Medal

363) Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Archer 1929-1954. It has the same reverse as HK707(look at #366 below for another) and it looks as if it is just as rare, maybe rarer. Very Rare. Aluminum, 35.6mm. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen.

Commemorating 25th Anniversary Of Archer 1929-1954 Good Luck Token

363a) Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Serta mattresses. Obverse the same as reverse. Looking through old catalogs I only found two. Maybe I was not always looking in the right place, but I can’t remember seeing any on ebay. Very Rare? Aluminum, 38mm. Image courtesy Josef Traktovenko

Serta Silver 25th Anniversary 1929-1954 Token

364) "San Diego Federal Savings & Loan" 1955. I have seen a fair number of these over the years. Scarce. Brass, 38.1mm.

San Diego Federal Savings Loan 1955 Gold Is Where You Find It Medal

365) Commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the Badger Corporation 1905-1955. Not seen very often. Very Rare. Brass, 35.1mm. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen.

Fiftieth Year Anniversary Badger Corporation 1905-1955 Good Luck Token

366) Commemorating 80 years, Weakley Watson Hardware in Brownwood, Texas. 1876-1956. Still in business today and claims to be the oldest hardware store in Texas. Reverse is the same as HK707 and #363 above. Hard to come by as far as I can tell. Very Rare. Aluminum, 35.1mm


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Weakley Watson Hardware Brownwood Texas 1876-1956 Good Luck Token

367)There are many rare pieces having the same obverse as HK517. Here is one showing Miss Sunbeam commemorating Fifty Years Of Pan-O Gold Bakers. Very Rare. Brass, 33.8mm.

Minnesota Centennial 1858-1958 Pan-O Gold Bakers Miss Sunbeam Medal

367a) Family Day Kaiser Aluminum Ravenswood Works May 1958. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen. Very Rare. Aluminum. 38.3mm

Kaiser Aluminum K.A.C.C. Ravenswood Works Family Day 1958 Token Medal

368) Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the National Cash Register Company. I almost did not include this piece because of the advertising reverse(with phone number), but decided to include it because it advertises what it probably a public "show", not a specific business. Very Rare. Brass, 35.1mm. Image courtesy of Dave Jensen.

Anniversary National Cash Register Company 75 Years Business Show Token

369) 10th anniversary of "Southern Airways". I have also seen one in an NGC slab described as brass. . Very Rare. Aluminum, 39.1mm.

Southern Airways 10th Anniversary 1959 Token

370) Found in aluminum or gold anodized aluminum, each equally rare. Combining both metal varieties together, Very Scarce. Aluminum, 38.7mm.


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El Capitan Hi Level Train Streamliner Inaugural Trip July 1958 Medal

Pie Expense Dollars


371) This is a fourth Swift dollar piece, not listed in the 1st edition of HK. Listed in the 2nd edition as HK907a. Both obverse and reverse are different from any of the other pieces. It appears to be rarer than any of the other three. Rare. Aluminum, 38.4mm

Swift Dollar Of Sales Where It Goes 1919 Token

371a) Skelly pie expense dollar similar to the Swift dollars. Rare to Very Rare, 42mm. Image courtesy Jonathan Brecher.

Skelly Down Profit Road 1936 Motorists Dollar Token

372) Another pie expense dollar similar to the Swift dollars. From Standard Oil, showing "The "Pennywise" Use / Of The Customer Dollar". Rare bordering on Very rare. Aluminum, 36.6mm


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Pennywise Use Of The Customer Dollar Standard Oil 1950 Token

372a) Restaurant pie expense dollar similar to the Swift dollars. Very Rare, 42mm. Image courtesy Jonathan Brecher.

Your Restaurant Dollar Commonwealth Edison Token

373) The Sherman Dollar. Another piece similar to the Swift dollars HK905-HK907. Very Rare. Silver plated brass, 38.2mm

Sherman Dollar Total Expenditure Sherman Service Inc. Medal


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