Strictly presidential and inaugural so called dollar size medals were not included in HK. Presidential pieces often were included if one side of the medal seemed to commemorate something other than the president being depicted. There are many, many examples throughout HK (HK12, HK30, HK32a, HK39, HK127, HK136, HK275...etc..etc). At the time of HKs publication in 1962, many presidential so called dollar sized medals and tokens had already been cataloged elsewhere, the most obvious example being "Medallic Portraits of Washington" by William Baker, republished and updated in 1999 by Russell Rulau and George Fuld, and more recently by Neil Musante's two volume reference titled "Medallic Washington". It would have been mostly redundant for the authors of HK to have included ALL presidential so called dollar size medals.

Garfield born 1831 died 1881 God reigns medal

37.7 mm, White metal

Lincoln Centennial 1809 1909 medal

38 mm, Bronze

McKinley Hobart Inauguration Washington DC March 1897 medal

38 mm, Bronze

George Washington outer wreath blank reverse medal

Obverse of Baker 451 with a blank reverse. 33.3 mm, Bronze

James Earl Fraser Roosevelt Memorial Association Founders Medal

Image courtesy Dave Jensen. 34.2mm, Bronze

General U. S. Grant Civil War 1861 1865 Battle Scene Memorial Medal

General US Grant memorial medal with a reverse civil war battle scene. Undated but probably minted in the 1890s, perhaps somewhat later. Aluminum, 37mm

William McKinley Born January 1843 Died September 1901 Assassinated Medal

William McKinley birth/death assassination medal. Bronze, 38mm


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