FRATERNAL So Called Dollar Size Medals
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The medals below commemorate various men's fraternities, including post Civil War organizations and Militias. HK includes seven similar types: HK593(Militia), HK874(Political), HK908-HK909(KKK), HK37(GAR), HK46(IOOF), and HK525(Masonic). Why the authors of HK included these medals but no others is a bit of a mystery to me, and fraternal medals are not even mentioned in the book's introduction. The inclusion of the two KKK pieces is obviously a bit edgy for many, but in 1963 when HK was published, America was for the most part still united, having earlier won World War II with great sacrifice both in Europe and the Pacific. Many young men of all races, if they survived, came out of the war better off than they went in. The theme of "one country, one language, one religion" was widely accepted. That "united" attitude began to change following the assassination of JFK, and by crazy 1968 the Vietnam war and the civil rights movement led to some obvious soul searching. Also included here are one YMCA medal, and three Boy Scout jamboree/round-up tokens. The authors of HK included the Boy Scout 50 year anniversary medal(HK577), but no Jamboree medals. Fraternal medals often commemorated events that were exclusive to their respective organizations. Although some of the larger GAR events may have been an exception, the majority were usually not open to the general public. From that standpoint, such pieces may be a bit on the fringes of traditional so called dollar collecting. Another reason for their exclusion might be that many fraternal commemoratives were made in the form of a badge or fob. Never the less, those that are so called dollar-like are often rare and well executed, and their sometimes arcane and unusual designs can make them interesting.
1) Philanthropic Lodge. F. & A.M. / Marblehead, Mass. / 1890 / Philanthropic Lodge. F. & A.M. / Chartered March 25 / 1760 / Marblehead, Mass.; Bronze, 35.1mm
2) Centenary Medal / Munroe Tavern Birthplace of Hiram Lodge / 1797 1897 / Hiram Lodge A.F. & A.M. Arlington, Massachusetts / Instituted Dec 12, 1797; tiny "H.M." initials; Bronze, 40.8mm
3) Washington Lodge Of A.F. & A.M. / Centenary 1896 / Hope Faith Charity / Holy Bible; tiny "H.M." initials at base of bust, Baker N-297; Bronze, 40.9mm
4) One Hundredth Anniversary / March 12, 1898 / M.E. Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Rhode Island 1798. Engraved on the edge: "M. E. Arthur H. Armington, Grand High Priest." 10 K Gold, probably unique in gold, 33.5mm
5) General Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons U.S.A. / Centennial / E. Kirby G. L. McCahan / Boston Oct, 24. 1797 / Hartford Jan. 24, 1798 / Baltimore Oct. 12, 1897, Bronze, 41.9mm
6) Landmark Lodge No. 76. A.F.M.S.C. / A.L. 5850. / To Commemorate Our Semi-Centennial Anniversary December 11, A.L. 5900; Bronze, 37.9mm
7) Masonic Celebration In Commemoration Of The Centennial / Of The Death Of Washington Mount Vernon, Va. / December 14. / 1899 / George Washington Master Of Alexandria, Va. / Lodge No 22 / 1788 / A.F. / A.M., Bronze, 37.6mm
8) 6th Annual Meeting Gen’l Masonic Relief Assoc’n / United States And Canada / Sep. 23. 25. 1891 / United States Capitol; White Metal, 37.8mm
9) First Meeting Held In "Masons Hall" Boston / Centennial / Green Dragon Tavern / Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Massachusetts / March 13, 1798; Bronze, 40.9mm
10) Masonic Temple / Bay City, Mich. / Dedicated May 10th 1898 / Destroyed By Fire May 19th 1903 / Made From Copper Taken From The Ruins Of The Temple; Bronze, 33.3mm
11) St. Andrews Royal Arch Chapter / Boston Mass. / August 12 1769 / 125th Anniversary / 1769 1894. Stacks sold one of these in silver with hanger March 2019 lot#10144; Bronze; 37.3mm
12) The Masonic Temple Saginaw Michigan / 5893-5905 / To Commemorate The Semi-Centennial / Of Saginaw Lodge No. 77 F. & A.M. Saginaw Michigan / June 23rd A.L. 5855 / June 23rd A.L. 5905, In small lettering below edifice "D. Child & Co" Gilt, 40.0mm
13) Labor Omnia Superat / G. B. Van Saun. Gr. Master, T.S. Marvin, Gr. Sec. / Grand Lodge Of Iowa A.F & A.M. / Constituted January 8. 1844. / Library Building Corner Stone May 7. 1884. / Quid Utilius; Bronze, 35mm
13a) Obverse the same as the reverse of HK-229. The Miners Bonanza. K. T. Conclave Denver August 1892. Around Bottom: "W. W. Frisholm, Manfr. Leadville, Colo."
13b)Masonic Home Dedication 1898 Burlington, New Jersey. In tiny lettering below alter, "Wm Thegen / Phila". Bronze, 38.2mm
13c) Centennial of Lebanon Lodge, Boston June 10, 5801-5901(1801-1901). Bronze, 39.1 mm. Image courtesy Jonathan Brecher.
13d) 1898 Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Albany New York. Bronze, 44.7mm, 4.8mm thick
13e) Dedication of the New Masonic Temple in Philadelphia, September AD 1873, AL 5873
14) Silver Jubilee / February 24th 25th & 26th 1903 / DeWitt Clinton Consistory S.P.R.S. / Grand Rapids, A.D. 1878. "Childs Chicago" in tiny lettering; Silver, 38.2mm
15) Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite / 1801 Centennial 1901 Henry L. Palmer / Oriental Consistory S.P.R.S. / Chicago, A.D. 1856; In small lettering " Childs Chicago" Bronze, 38.6mm
16) City Of Mexico Club, K.T. Of Phila, Pa. / Triennial Conclave At Washington D.C. 1889 / Philadelphia, St. Johns, Mary, St Alban & Corinthian Commanders Phila, Pa.; Found in bronze and white metal; Bronze, 37.9mm
17) 24th Triennial Conclave Knights Templar / Washington, D.C. Oct. 1889 / United States Capitol; Bronze, 37.8mm
18) In Hoc Signo Vinces / Annual Conclave Masonic Knights Templar Philadelphia, Pa. May 23-25, 1889; Found in bronze and white metal, Bronze, 37.9mm
19) Twenty Fifth Triennial Conclave Knights Templar / 5892 / Denver Colorado / Masonic Temple / August 6-18, 1892; Aluminum, 38mm
19a) Bruce Commandery No. 34 Knights Templar Red Oak Iowa / Land of Corn and Blue Grass / undated / Aluminum, 38.3mm
20) Twenty Third Annual Encampment G.A.R. / Milwaukee, Wis. Aug. 1889 / Fraternity Charity Loyalty / 1861 Veteran 1866; Reverse design the same as the Obverse below, and although it does not look like it from my images, this medal is larger in size. Both were most probably minted by William Warner & Brother of Philadelphia. Bronze, 37.6mm
20a) Twenty Fourth Annual Encampment G.A.R. / Boston, Massachusetts. Aug. 1890 / Fraternity Charity Loyalty / 1861 Veteran 1866; Obverse design the same as the Reverse above, and although it does not look like it from my images, this medal is smaller in size. Bronze, 35.1mm
21) Dr. B.F. Stephenson Founder Of The Grand Army Of The Republic / 25th Anniversary Of The G.A.R. / Decatur, Ill. April 6. 1891.; Bronze, 37.7mm
24) Grand Army Of The Republic Veterans 1866 / G.A.R. Encampment / At Gettysburg Pa. / Dedication Of Monuments In July 1886; White Metal, 37.9mm
25) 36th Annual Encampment 1902 / Fraternity Charity Loyalty / 1861 1865; White Metal, 37.9mm
26) 41st Annual Encampment Dept. Of Pa. G.A.R. / Soldiers And Sailors Monument Easton Pa.; Bronze, 35.2mm
28) Compliments Of The Citizens Of Rochester / 1901 / Grand Army Of The Republic / Dept. N. Y.; White Metal, 35.1mm
28a) Lincoln / Fraternity Charity Loyalty / 1861 1865; Same obverse as a Lincoln Birth/Death medal from 1909; Bronze, 37.9mm
28b) General William T. Sherman / 1902 36th GAR Encampment Lancaster, Ohio / Birth Place; White Metal, 37.7mm
28c) "Dr. B. F. Stephenson Founder Of The G.A.R.", Aluminum, 37 mm. Image courtesy Jonathan Brecher.
28d) Annual Encampment Department of Pennsylvania in Lancaster, February 1884. White metal, 37 mm. Image courtesy Josef Traktovenko.
28e) Seventeenth Annual Encampment G.A.R in Denver Colorado July 1888. Found in White metal or Bronze. Image courtesy Scott Safe
28f) Anna Marie Ross, The Soldier's Friend. Famous Civil War nurse from Philadelphia. 37.7mm, white metal
29) General R. E. Lee / Confederate Union Dallas Tex. April 22-25. 1902; Bronze, 35mm, Image courtesy of Randy Dobler
29a) Same as above but Augusta, Georgia 1903; Bronze, 35mm
29b) Jefferson Davis Ex President CSA 1861-65 / Re-Union Of Confederate Veterans Macon, Ga. Oct. 26th 1887 / A. Demarest N.Y.; White metal, 38.2mm
29c) Commemorating a reunion of the Picketts Division of Confederate Veterans at Gettysburg in July of 1887. White Metal, 33mm. Images courtesy of Kevin Himber.
29d) "A Memento of the Reunion of Confederate Veterans at the Georgia State Fair Oct. 26, 1887" Related to HK-610 with a different portrait of Jefferson Davis. Rulau Ga-AT 10. The Kirtley sale as stated in Rulau was actually August 22, 1987, not July. Bronze, 38mm. Images courtesy of Kevin Himber.
29e) The Union Veteran Legion was similar to the GAR, but with more restrictive acceptance requirements, founded in the mid 1880s. White Metal, 35mm, Image courtesy Josef Traktovenko.
30) 25th Anniversary Of The Order Of Loyal Legion / Held At Philad’a, Pa April 15-17 1890; White Metal, 37.6mm, Image courtesy of Randy Dobler
27) Army Of The Potomac Reunion Saratoga June 22. 23. 1887.; White Metal, 38mm, Image courtesy Randy Dobler
23) Reunion Of The Army Of The Tennessee / Detroit. Mich. Sep. 14 & 15 1887.; Bronze, 35mm
31) National Congress / Sons Of The / American Revolution / Welcome To Washington / April 30. May 2. 1902; Bronze, 40.7mm
32) Instituted / Aug. 28. 1878 / Souvenir / 12th Regular Session / I.O.H. / May 21. 1895 / New Haven, Conn.; Aluminum, 38mm
33) Freedom Friendship Charity / G.S.D. 405 / Our Totemic Bond / G.S.D. 405.; Bronze, 38.1mm
34) Grand Council United States / Improved Order Of Red Men / A Souvenir Of The Cream City. / Milwaukee Bay; Bronze, 38.5mm
35) Sovereign Commander / W.A. Fraser / Woodmen Of The World / Omaha, Neb.; Aluminum, 37 x 28.5mm
36) Odd Fellows Temple / Philadelphia / Dedicated 1895 / Official Medal Commemorating The Dedication Of The Odd Fellows Temple. Nicely executed medal with an exceptional reverse wreath. Look below for another 1895 Odd Fellows temple medal. 37.9mm
36a) A second 1895 Odd Fellows Temple dedication medal with an obverse Thomas Wildey portrait. Exact same size as the medal above, so no doubt minted by the same minter, perhaps William Warner. The quality of the workmanship on both medals is quite good. White Metal, 37.9mm
37) The Odd Fellows’ Home Of Connecticut / "Fairview" / Purchased July 21st 1982 / Opened Dec. 1st 1892 / April 26th 1893 Dedicated / Grand master Charles B. Ware / Deputy Grand Master Wm. H. Marigold / Grand Warden Leopold De Leeuw / Grand Secretary Fred. Botsford / Grand Treasurer John W. Smith; a tiny "C" at the bottom. Aluminum, 39.7mm
38) The Odd Fellows Home Of Pennsylvania / Philadelphia / The First Home In The World Organized By Any Fraternal Organization / Instituted November 1874 / Incorporated July 10th 1875; White Metal, 38.1mm
39) Odd Fellows Home / Of New Jersey. / Organized Aug. 8th 1885 Dedicated June 14th 1888; in tiny lettering split to the left and right: Bechtel Trenton; White Metal, 37.9mm
40) Odd Fellows Hall Waterbury. / Conn. / Dedication Of Odd Fellows Hall Oct 15th 1895 / Nosanogam And Townsend Lodges The 50th Anniversary. / 1845 / 1895; Aluminum, 44.5mm
41) Chicago Cantonment / August 3-10 1890 / IOOF Souvenir; White Metal, 40.1mm
42) 50th Grand Parlor N.S.G.W. San Pedro / Sepulveda Parlor No 263 / 1927 / "50" /J.A. Meyers & Co. Los Angeles; Gilt, 33mm, Image courtesy of Randy Dobler
43) Grand Lodge Reunion / Los Angeles / California 1915 / B.P.O. Elks / One Buck. Appears to me to be similar in style to HK-432. Copper, 38.4mm
43a) Grand Lodge Reunion No. 46 Home 1907 Philadelphia July Souvenir of the Cream City Milwaukee Bay, Gilt Brass, 36.4mm
44) Dedicated Oct. 26, 1904. / Souvenir / Fraternal Order Of Eagles / Organized Feb. 6, 1898 / Kansas City Aerie No. 47.; Aluminum, 38.4mm
45) 50th Anniversary of the Fraternal Order of the Eagles 1898 1948, Gilt Brass, 33.6mm
46) Official souvenir of the National Orphans Home in Tiffin Ohio. Aluminum, 44.8mm
47) 1930 youth campaign medal of the Jr.O.U.A.M., with bust left of Omer Stubbs. By Whitehead Hoag & Co. Brass, 38mm
48) In Memory of the 1864 Dedication of the Milwaukee Turn Hall. In 1864 the Turners were not a fraternal organization, but more of a society based on German heritage and physical fitness. On this website I include "Association" and "Commission" commemoratives as main stream so called dollars due to their usual "Public" function, but exclude strictly fraternal medals as shown on this page. A "society" such as this however seems to me to fall somewhere in the middle, but I decided to include it here, at least for now. Today Turner physical fitness centers are open to the general public. White Metal, 41.7mm
49) Fiftieth Anniversary / September 23, 1885. / Troy Citizens Corps. / Organized September 23, 1885; White Metal, 36mm. Image courtesy of Randy Dobler.
50) Ancient And Honorable Artillery Co. / Massachusetts / 1638 / Souvenir / engraved: Baltimore Oct. 96; Aluminum, 34mm
51) Young Men’s Christian Association / YMCA Social Spiritual Intellectual Physical / The Field Is The World Matt. XIII 38; Aluminum, 35.5mm
52) National Jamboree Vally Forge 1950 / BSA / On This Hallowed Ground Where Washington And His Army Spent The Bitter Winter Of 1777-78 The Boy Scouts Of America Rededicate Themselves To The American Ideals Of Democracy With A Firm Resolution To Strengthen The Arm Of Liberty; Gilt, 36.7mm
53) 1857 / Baden-Powell / 1857 / 1957 / 1957 Centennial Round-Up Greater Cleveland Council Boy Scouts Of America; Gilt, 36.5mm
54) National Jamboree Irvine Ranch Calif. / Boy Scouts Of America / 1953; Copper Nickel, 38.8mm
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